
ESTUDIO AMERICA & ASOCIADOS SAC is a multidisciplinary Spanish professional Firm, made up of lawyers, industrial property attorneys, providing new services according new products and new consumers' needs globally.

Our experiences and opportunities allow us to assist our clients and help them realize their goals. Our professionals from the team of "America & Asociados" are actively involved in the process of harmonization of the current Peruvian legislation.

Our firm guarantees our customers the protection of their rights of Intellectual Property in Peru and abroad.


The term intellectual property refers broadly to the creations of the human mind. Intellectual property rights protect the interests of creators by giving them property rights over their creations. Intangible property such as patent, utility model, Topographies of Semiconductor Products, complementary certificates for drugs and plant products protection, industrial designs, trademarks, which is afforded protection under national and international intellectual property laws.


A Sanitary License that is issued by an authorized governmental inspection agency MINISTRY OF HEALTH, the Responsibility for control falls to the General Bureau for Medicines, Drugs, and Inputs (DIGEMID) and General Bureau of Environmental Health (DIGESA).


Legally establishing our company allows us that it is legally recognized, that qualifies as creditworthiness , we can issue receipts , and we can produce , market and promote our products or services with unrestricted authority .

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